By-law Enforcement & Property Standards

Property Standards and By-law Services oversees municipal by-law enforcement, parking, licensing, and animal control, which directly contribute to the community’s health, safety, and quality of life.
The Department's mandate is to ensure compliance with Municipal By-laws as well as certain Provincial Statutes.
The Property Standards and Clean Yards By-laws set minimum standards to ensure that property owners’ maintain their properties and yards. These standards are put in place to protect the health and safety of occupants as well as the general public.
The By-law Enforcement Process
Find information on how by-law enforcement proceeds through the process of obtaining compliance.
Reporting Infractions
To report an incident of non-compliance with the Township of Howick's by-laws to the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, please submit the following electronic form, which will be submitted to the Municipal Law Enforcement Officer.
Anonymous Reporting
The Township of Howick will only respond to anonymous reports for certain violations. Complaint forms are required to initiate investigations for the majority of violations within the Township to ensure that complaints are being reported truthfully, and for no vexatious purposes.
Set Fines for By-laws
Find the approved set fines for violations of municipal by-laws.
Property Standards vs. Clean Yards
Find information on the differences between the Property Standards By-law and the Clean Yards By-law.
By-law Enforcement Activity
Find information about the activity of the By-law Enforcement department as well as information on charges, and convictions.
Frequently Requested By-laws
Fees & Charges By-law
Effective January 1, 2025 unless otherwise noted in By-law
Township of Howick Policies
The Township of Howick tries to keep its web pages up to date, however, it cannot always guarantee all by-laws and forms are the most recent copies of these documents. Please contact the Township of Howick office at 519.335-3208 for further information.